The RMI Board has approved a special membership fee dispensation for the next 2 years, which would:
- Grow membership so that we can meaningfully interact with government on the growing and inhibitive requirements being placed on test stations.
- So that we can participate in nation wide service provision of national customers with the Multi-Point inspections and other services.
- Build our capacity and capability with new knowledge and training. Including topics like Periodic Testing, Testing of Electric Vehicles and other alternately powered vehicles with Webinars for Examiners and Proprietors.
- Initiate an academic study on the value of vehicle inspection controls to reduce road fatalities.
How much will it cost?
R3500 plus VAT = R4025
for the first station
Only R1000 plus VAT = R1150
For each additional/secondary station
Benefits Include:
• All the RMI value added services.
• Free representation in litigation proceedings (MIBCO, CCMA, Labour Court) by RMI IR Specialists.
• All associated drafting and filing of applications and opposing papers.
• Benefitting by association of all the RMI stakeholders.
• Access the Multi-Point Inspection portal from all your stations.
Applicable to new and existing members
Act now and email or call your local Regional Chairperson
Julian Pillay
Mail: julian.pillay@rmi.org.za
Ferose Oaten
Cell: 082 442 6556
Mail: feroseoaten@avts.co.za